La croatina che non ti aspetti - Locandina

We are pleased to invite you to a tasting focused on the Croatina grape that will take place in Pavia on Friday, March 1st 2019. The tasting, hosted by Cairoli College and led by famous winegrower Valter Massa, will include 6 Croatina-based still and dry wines by the following wineries: Bisi, F.lli Agnes, Martilde, Picchioni, Pietro Torti and Vercesi del Castellazzo. After the tasting 2 different risotto will be served. The service at the tasting will be free provided by AIS Pavia.

Here’s the list of the wines featured in the tasting:
• Pramattone 2016 (Bisi winery, San Damiano al Colle)
• Millennium 2011 (F.lli Agnes winery, Rovescala)
• Ghiro Rosso d’Inverno 2010 (Martilde winery, Rovescala)
• Rosso d’Asia 2013 (Picchioni Andrea winery, Canneto Pavese)
• Castelrotto Rosso 2015 (Pietro Torti winery, Montecalvo Versiggia)
• Fatila 2013 (Vercesi del Castellazzo winery, Montù Beccaria)

The event is part of a crowdfunding project of the University of Pavia to support a scientific research on the effects of psychoactive drugs on individuals from a pharmacogenetic point of view.

Reservation is required and must be done by Thursday, February 28th: please call +39.0382.984007 (Giuseppina Gianesin) or send an email to


Name of the event: “La croatina che non ti aspetti”
When: March 1st 2019
Where: Pavia
Location of the event: Cairoli College
Address: piazza Collegio Cairoli, 1
Event starts at: 08:30 pm
Admission fee: admission by donation (minimum donation: euro 25,00)
Information and reservations: +39.0382.984007 (Giuseppina Gianesin) or