Join us in Broni (PV) on Thursday October 26th at 8:30 pm at the Enoteca Regionale della Lombardia (via Cassino Po, 2) to celebrate the eight Oltrepò Pavese wines awarded by the Gambero Rosso wine guide with the Three Glasses top prize .

The tasting of the wines will be preceded by a welcome speech by Francesco Beghi (Gambero Rosso taster for the Oltrepò Pavese region). Here’s the full list of the Oltrepò Pavese Three Glasses:
Ballabio – Spumante Metodo Classico VSQ Farfalla Extra Brut
Bertè e Cordini – OP Metodo Classico Pinot Nero DOCG Cuvée della Casa Brut
Bruno Verdi – OP Metodo Classico DOCG Vergomberra Dosaggio Zero Vintage 2012
Calatroni – OP Metodo Classico Pinot Nero Rosé DOCG NorEma Pas Dosé Vintage 2013
Castello di Cigognola – OP Metodo Classico Pinot Nero ‘More Brut Vintage 2013
F.lli Giorgi – Spumante Metodo Classico VSQ Top Zero Pas Dosé
Monsupello – Spumante Metodo Classico VSQ Rosé Brut
Picchioni Andrea – Vino Rosso Arfena 2015

The Enoteca Regionale restaurant La Corte will serve finger food and one main course. Price of the tasting: euro 25,00 (Including food). Reservation is required and must be done by Tuesday October 24th contacting one of the following:
• +39.0385.833820 (Enoteca Regionale della Lombardia);
• +39.0382.523671 (I Crespi wine shop);
• +39.333.7344232 (Gabriella);