We will present our wines in San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) at the FIVI tasting organised by ONAV Bologna and FIVI on Sunday, March 25th. The event will be hosted in the halls of Relais Bellaria (via Libro del Paradiso, 1). It will be possible to buy the wines. The places available are limited: to guarantee your admittance, please register to the event in the ONAV website.
Name of the event: FIVI tasting
When: March 25th 2018
Where: San Lazzaro di Savena (BO)
Location of the event: Relais Bellaria
Address: via Libro del Paradiso, 1
Opening hours: from 02:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Admittance fee: euro 15 (euro 10 for ONAV and AIES members)
Registration and information: www.onav.it